Friday 6 July 2012

Jimmy's thoughts...

The first note...

Be human. Music is an infection that encourages us to do many things. Physically, from head banging to foot tapping. Putting your body in a state of rhythmic consciousness. But, the main thing music affects is the emotions. Whatever the effect on the listener, by appealing to their feeling, encourages them to feel. It is the choice of yours whether you let your ears listen to The Scripts heart break albums. For you're bringing unhappiness upon yourself. Although, I do agree that making music is a great way of expressing yourself and your feelings. But expressing yourself for the wrong emotion  such as your endless unhappiness is not the route to take. You will not gain from creative desolation. Express for what is to come, what will become, for that is your future happiness.

- James Hannaford
"Broken keys, for a broken heart"

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