Saturday 7 July 2012

Jimmy's thoughts...

'Having an idol is great!' So they say. And in some ways I agree that an idol can be beneficial. Your idol may be a famous individual, such a Steve Jobs. This man made mega bucks. He chased his dream, and made his dream a reality. His morals are spot on, and a lot can be learnt from them. Work hard, and chase your dream. Although, what I do find most intriguing is when many followers decide to make their life, their idols life. These followers look up to their idol for everyday support. This may be because the idol has done many great things for society and for the world. Do not get me wrong they deserve to be praised, but by following your idol will not make your life better. Your life will become a fantasy. Eating, sleeping and breathing your 'one and only'. Just because they're a good person, does not make you one. Learn from your idol, learn from their morals. But, do not be distracted from your life by seeking out theirs. Don't be a follower. 
- James Hannaford 

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